We all love a good area rug to liven up and create some warmth in our space. But how do you know how large of an area rug to purchase? Not to be dramatic, but the wrong-sized area rug can be visually detrimental and really take away from the design of your home.
More often than not, we choose an area rug that’s too small for our space. Whether we choose that rug because it’s less expensive or because we like the pattern/ color more, you’re going to hate it if it’s too small. Here are some tips for finding the perfect rug size for your room.
Universal Sizing Tips
1. Figure out the Size of the Rug you Need.
Start by arranging your furniture how you prefer and intend to keep it. If the furniture is in the middle of the room or NOT against a wall, you’ll want all of the furniture to fit on the area rug. You’ll want to leave at least 8-18 inches of floor around the edges of the room.
If your furniture IS against the wall, you’ll have to decide how much of a rug you want underneath the furniture that’s against the wall. This is where step two comes in.
2. Use Painter’s Tape
Create a rug outline with painter’s tape so you can visualize what this will look like. Typically for a living room, you’ll be shopping for rugs that are 8 x 10 feet or larger. This step is crucial as visualizing the space in real life is completely different than only doing it in your head.
If you take anything away from this guide, use this tip: Always size up. If the rug is one or two inches off from your ideal target, opt for the larger one.
3. Don’t Let an Area Rug “Float.”
Don’t choose a rug that doesn’t touch at least the front portions of your furniture set up. You truly don’t want a rug to be floating in the middle of the room or just underneath the coffee table. That’s a lonely area rug and creates a sad feng-shui.

Area Rugs for Different Rooms
There are several options for how you arrange an area rug in various rooms of your home. Take a look at the visual guides below to get an idea of the style you’re after. Then, try out the different styles by using painter’s tape to decide which you prefer! This will ensure you’re finding the perfect rug size for each room in your home!
1. Living Room
Notice how in both of the diagrams below, the area rug is never floating by itself. Depending on the overall space of your room, the furniture should either sit fully on the area rug, or the front legs of your couches and accent chairs will land on the rug.

2. Dining Room
The dining room is the easiest space to nail down when it comes to finding the perfect rug size. All the furniture should fit on the rug, and ideally, you’ll choose a rug shape that complements the shape of your table.

3. Bedroom

The third option below is a great choice for those who want to save a little bit of money. Using two runner rugs on either side of the bed is much less expensive than a large area rug and still looks beautiful!

My Favorite Area Rugs

[…] you’ve enjoyed this guide, check out one of my recent blog on finding the perfect-sized area rugs! Guides can be so helpful when it comes to designing and decorating your home! As always, check back […]